Miroslav Vyskot and collaborators

Since the second half of the 1950s with various long breaks up to 1980s the research of virgin forests was conducted also under the supervision of prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Vyskot, DrSc. from the former Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Brno. The research focused on several selected localities – Boubín, Bumbálka (Salajka), Lanžhot (Cahnov and Ranšpurk), Plešné lake and Roštýnská game reserve.

In Boubín in 1961, two cross-sections with the size A (229.5 x 10 m) and B (220.5 x 10 m) were laid out along the fall line in the east-west axis. Detailed dendometric analyses and studies of natural regeneration were carried out in them (VYSKOT 1968a). Surveys were repeated in 1969 and 1975 (VYSKOT 1976, 1981). In 1986 the cross-sections were extended to plots with area of 1 ha and surveys were repeated according to the original methodology (STANĚK 1989).

Research started in the Beskydy virgin forest Bumbálka (Salajka) in 1959 when M. Vyskot established 2 PRP with the area of 0.5 ha (size 50 x 100 m) (VYSKOT 1968b). Surveys on these plots were repeated in 1965 (VYSKOT 1968b), 1974 (BATELKA 1979, VYSKOT 1976) and 1986 (STANĚK 1989).

Bumbálka (Salajka) 1959 – Vyskot’s PRP No. 2

In the virgin forests of Cahnov-Soutok and Ranšpurk (collectively referred to as Lanžhot virgin forest) M. Vyskot started research activities in 1958 when he established a 1 ha PRP in each of the reserves (VYSKOT 1959). Surveys on these plots were repeated after 30 years – in Ranšpur in 1987 and in Cahnov in 1988 (STANĚK 1989; STANĚK et BARTÁK 1989).

Roštýnská game reserve was incorporated into the research plots in 1977 when three PRP were established (2 PRP with the area of 0.5 ha and 1 PRP with the area of 1 ha). Repeated surveys were carried out in 1981 and 1985 (STANĚK 1989; VYSKOT 1985).

In all these reserves, tree positions were localized, dendrometric and structural analyses were conducted and development of natural regeneration was monitored on the PRP.

As part of his research activities at the Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Brno, J. Batelka surveyed a reserve V Klučí using the Vyskot’s methodology (BATELKA 1975; BATELKA et BOHÁČEK 1976).
