Žofín ForestGEO

The core area of the Žofín virgin forest has been a part of world network ForestGEO (former SIGEO) since 2012. Research network ForestGEO is the only standardized global network of forest-ecological research dealing with all biomes. Research plots included in the network represent circa 80% of forests covering the Earth. The network was established in 1980 and initially focused only on tropical forests ( CTFS). Later, it included sub-tropical forests and forests from other biomes.


ForestGEO Network

  • 70 sites included (see map above)
  • within 27 countries
  • 6 milions of trees registered

Tree Record

  • All alive individuals of d.b.h. 1 cm and more to be recorded
  • --Survey tree position (coordinates)
  • --Measurement of d.b.h.
  • --Tagging tree by the identifier
  • All procedure should be repeated after 5 years

Census 2017 Summary [pdf]



Vašíčková I., Šamonil P., Ubilla A.E.F. Kral K., Danek P., Adam D.  2016 True response of Fagus sylvatica L. to disturbance: a basis for empirical inference of release criteria for temperate forests. Forest Ecology and Management 374: 174-185.

Janik D., Vrška T., Král K., Adam D., Hort L.; Šamonil P., Unar P., McMahon S.  2016 Tree spatial patterns of Fagus sylvatica expansion over 37 years. Forest Ecology and Management 375: 134-145.

Kim D., Hirmas D.R., McEwan R.W., Mueller T.G., Jin Park S., Šamonil P., Thompson J.A., Wendroth O.  2016 Predicting the Influence of Multi-Scale Spatial Autocorrelation on Soil–Landform Modeling. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80 (2): 409-419.

Šamonil P., Timková J., Vašíčková I.  2016 Uncertainty of the detection of disturbance spatial pattern in temperate forests. Dendrochronologia 37: 46-56.

Šamonil P., Daněk P., Schaetzl R.J., Vašíčková I., Valtera M.  2015 Soil mixing and evolution as affected by tree uprooting in three temperate forests. European Journal of Soil Science 66: 589-603. 

Šamonil P., Kotík L., Vašíčková I.  2015 Uncertainty of disturbance history detection in forest ecosystems using dendrochronology. Dendrochronologia 35: 51-61.

Anderson-Teixeira K. et al.  2015 CTFS-ForestGEO: a worldwide network monitoringforests in an era of global change. Global Change Biology 21: 528-549.

Šamonil P., Vašíčková I., Daněk P., Janík D., Adam D.  2014 Disturbances can control fine-scale pedodiversity in old-growth forest: Is the soil evolution theory disturbed as well? Biogeosciences. 11, 5889-5905.  

Král K., McMahon S.M., Janík D., Adam D., Vrška T.  2014 Patch mosaic of developmental stages in central European natural forests along vegetation gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 330: 17–28.

Král K., Valtera M., Janík D., Šamonil P., Vrška T.  2014 Spatial variability of general stand characteristics in central European beech-dominated natural stands – Effects of scale. Forest Ecology and Management 328: 353–364.

Šamonil P., Doleželová P., Vašíčková I., Adam D., Valtera M., Král K., Janík D., Šebková B.  2013 Individual-based approach to the detection of disturbance history through spatial scales in a natural beech-dominated forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 1167-1184.

Šamonil P., Schaetzl R.J., Valtera M., Goliáš V., Baldrian P., Vašíčková I., Adam D., Janík D., Hort L.  2013 Crossdating of disturbances by tree uprooting: Can treethrow microtopography persist for 6,000 years? Forest Ecology and Management 307: 123-135.

Trochta J., Král K., Janík D., Adam D.  2013 Arrangement of terrestrial laser scanner positions for area-wide stem mapping of natural forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43 (999): 355-363.

Vrška T., Král K.  2013 Žofínský prales kráčí do světa. Ochrana přírody 68 (6): 22-23.

Šebková B., Šamonil P., Valtera M., Adam D., Janík D.  2012 Interaction between tree species populations and windthrow dynamics in natural beech-dominated forest, Czech Republic. Forest Ecology and Management 280: 9–19. 

Šamonil P., Valtera M., Bek S., Šebková B., Vrška T. Houška J.  2011 Soil variability through spatial scales in a permanently disturbed natural spruce-fir-beech forest. European Journal of Forest Research. 130: 1075-1091. 

Král K., Janík D., Vrška T., Adam D., Hort L., Unar P., Šamonil P.  2010 Local variability of stand structural features in beech dominated natural forests of Central Europe: Implications for sampling. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 2196–2203.

Král K., Vrška T., Hort L., Adam D., Šamonil P.  2010 Developmental phases in a temperate natural spruce-fir-beech forest: determination by a supervised classification method. European Journal of Forest Research 129: 339–351.

Boublík K., Lepší M., Lepší P.  2009 Vegetation of the Žofínský Prales nature reserve (Novohradské Hory Mts., Czech Republic). Silva Gabreta 15: 121–141.

Hofmeister J., Hruška J.  2009 A comparison of soil conditions in the Žofínský Prales nature reserve with adjacent spruce monocultures. Silva Gabreta 15: 87–96.

Kenderes K., Král K., Vrška T., Standovar T.  2009 Natural gap dynamics in a Central European mixed beech-spruce-fir old-growth forest. Ecoscience 16: 39–47.

Kučera J.  2009 Bryoflora of the Žofínský Prales nature reserve (Novohradské hory Mts., South Bohemia). Silva Gabreta 15: 97–120.

Modlinger R., Holuša J., Liška J., Knížek M.  2009 Population of spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) in the Žofínský Prales nature reserve (Novohradské Hory Mts., Czech Republic). Silva Gabreta 15: 143–153.

Unar P.  2009 Changes in the vegetation of the Žofínský Prales nature reserve in the period 1975–2008. Silva Gabreta 15: 155–172.

Průša E.  1988 Vývoj stromového patra Žofínského pralesa za období 1975–1987. Lesprojekt, Brandýs nad Labem.

Průša E.  1985 Die böhmischen und mährischen Urwälder – ihre Struktur und Ökologie. Academia, Praha.