1. Vegetation development in the geological
- Part 1/3 Vývoj vegetace (a prostředí) v geologické minulosti
- Part 2/3 Zalednění -> pokles hladiny oceánů -> propojeníkontinentů -> migrace
- Part 3/3 Holocén nemá obdobu v interglaciálech Člověk aktivně mění krajinu
23.09.2009 - P. Šamonil
2. History of human impact on forests
- Presentation
- Attachment: Rotation of fir and beech in Carpathians – Developmental Cycle or Linear Trend?
30.09.2009 - T. Vrška
3. History of natural forests research
07.10.2009 - L. Hort
4. Present methods of terrestrial research - collecting, processing and interpreting data
14.10.2009 - K. Král
5. Present research methods - the use of GIS and remote sensing
- Part 1/3
- Part 2/3
- Part 3/3
- Attachment: The exact determination of develompment stages...on the example of the study area Žofínský virgin forest
21.10.2009 K. Král
- Attachment 2-1: Selection of study plots - Fytocenological and pedological databases
- Attachment 2-2: Selection of study plots - Fytocenological and pedological databases
21.10.2009 - P. Šamonil
6. Concepts of the dynamics of natural forest in the temperate zone of Europe
04.11.2009 - T. Vrška
7. Disturbance
11.11.2009 - P.Šamonil
8. Tree layer - the cycle of woody biomass in the different vegetation types
18.11.2009 - L. Hort
9. Monitoring of natural forests in the Czech Republic
25.11.2009 - T. Vrška
10. Soil-forming factors and pedogenesis in natural forests
02.12.2009 - P.Šamonil
11. Forest management in protected areas
- Study 1: Forest management in the Podyjí NP - theoretical background and practical demonstrations
- Study 2: The concept of wilderness in Europe
- Study 3: Spontaneous development and naturalness of mountain spruce forests in Europe or Jeseníky as a national park?
09.12.2009 - T. Vrška