
11 January 2016

New information about learning Distrubances in forest ecosystems (summer 2016) on MENDELU in Brno...

30 July 2015

Soil research on stable plot in Calimany Mts. (Romania) was realized on July 2015 under project  GA ČR P504/15-14840S.

23 July 2015

Terrestrial laser scanning at Wind River (USA, WA) research plot (8ha) was succesfully finished on July 2015.

13 April 2015

25ha area of Žofín ForestGEO plot was covered with terrestrial laser scanning on April 2015 according to goals of research project GA ČR P504/15-23242S.

15 March 2015

On March 2015, the core (4ha) of Ranšpurk (alluvial hardwood foodplain forest) was surveyed under   research project GA ČR P504/15-23242S. All living stems with DBH of 1 cm and more were censused. Terrestrial laser scanning was realised as well.

5 November 2014

Survey of stem situation at the most disturbed part (5.43ha) of Zofin virgin forest has been finishing in these days. Southwest reserve area was disturbed by Kyrill hurricane on January 2007.

23 October 2014

New programme application 3D Forest has been released and put to the open forum.

28 February 2013

Bilateral projects AMVIS continue LH12038 | LH12039 within field works in USA (Maryland, Virginia | Michigan).